Business Personality
Hiking Meetings
- En Plain Air Design
- Mobile design and delivery
- Real time engineering
- 3D Design
- 3D Printing of sites
- intelligent documents standard
- Portfolio
- ease of billing/pay
- feedback and open communication
- walk the walk
- blog about climate change and resliency
- blog about SWM and gardening and "second nature"
- blog about SWM value
- blog about specialization and broad perspective.
- Full as-built drawings including survey
- informal infiltration testing
- small retaining walls
- Design Build Maintain partnerships
Website approach
- Get rid of "who are you" approach
- List services
- SWM Design
- SEC Design
- Drainage Design
- General Consulting
- SWM Troubleshooting
- Local Permitting
- Expert Testimony
- SWM O&M Manuals (Standard for any design plans that go to construction)
- SWM Construction Admin and Observations (respond to RFIs, perform design revisions, site inspections...)
- Describe approach of getting permits as a given and purposeful/successful design as the goal
- List of philosophical approaches
- hands on work / site intimacy
- people oriented
- collaborative approach - leveraging team work and knowledge - work closely with landscape designers on all vegetated or highly visible BMPs - involved clients (as much as they desire)
- hands on work / site intimacy
- Make hidden page of useful links for me (colorbrewer, jurisdictional references, design resources, )